Jobs – Movie of Steve Jobs
May 01, 2016As seen on OMEOO Blog
February 2013
Steve Jobs, the legendary man of Apple computers will be depicted in the upcoming biopic of the figure, jOBS. The movie, which was written by Matt Whitely and directed by Joshua Michael Stern represents the man’s success in the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other services aside from his ascension of a college drop out to one of the world’s successful creative entrepreneurs in the 20th century.The movie jOBS — yes, written the way iPod, iPad and other Apple products and services is written, will be starring the young actors Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs and Josh Gad, as Jobs’ partner and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
The movie was first premiered at Sundance Film Festival and has gotten mixed reviews. Some people were really impressed at Kutcher’s delivery in the movie as the Apple CEO, and others hesitated about his suitability to portray the character as he was always getting “dumb” personas in the media (That 70’s Show, Two and a Half Men, and MTV’s prank show Punk’d).
Another review comes from the Apple co-founder him self, Steve Wozniak, though he has not seen the premier at Sundance, he expressed his opinion to jOBS as “may be fun but far from accurate.”
What others are depicting about the movie may be far from the real one before we actually watch it ourselves. To the hardcore Apple fans out there, who might as well love Ashton Kutcher can catch the movie when it hits cinemas April 19, 2013.