7 New Hidden Spots in Belitung You Should Visit
July 09, 2017
Belitung was not a foreign place for me, as it is my mother's hometown and basically the place where she and my maternal family grew up in. My grandparents worked and lived there for years, before moving to Jakarta. My maternal family even speaks the dialect in their everyday life, so it was very easy to get to know this place through their stories and from relatives that visits our home in Jakarta. Negeri Laskar Pelangi or the Land of The Rainbow Troops has become tourist-famous ever since a movie came out in 2008. The movie, Laskar Pelangi that came to life by Indonesian movie geniuses Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza was based on a true tale book by Andrea Hirata. The movie began as an eye opener of how beautiful Belitung is, as part of the Bangka-Belitung Province, east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Belitung bukanlah suatu tempat yang asing bagi saya. Di sini adalah tempat kelahiran ibu saya, serta dimana keluarga relasi ibu saya semua dibesarkan. Kakek nenek saya bertemu, kerja dan tinggal di sana bertahun-tahun sebelum akhirnya pindah ke Jakarta. Mereka semua bahkan menggunakan bahasa dan dialek Belitung sehari-hari, jadi sayapun sudah terbiasa dan mengenal dekat negeri Laskar Pelangi ini. Film Laskar Pelangi yang dibuat oleh duo jenius di perfilman Indonesia, Mira Lesmana dan Riri Riza ini adalah berdasarkan kisah nyata dari buku karangan Andrea Hirata. Lewat film tersebut, mata kita terbuka bahwa Belitung, bagian dari provinsi kepulauan Bangka-Belitung adalah salah satu destinasi wisata indah di Indonesia!
I went to visit Belitung several times in my life, once when I was younger, twice when I was in college, twice last year, and by the sixth time this year I went, I didn't want to go to more typical tourist places! Belitung is famous for its large granite rocks that spread along the coasts and sandy beaches, along with Pulau Lengkuas, the historic island with a huge light house. But this time, I didn't want to go there anymore. I searched for some several hidden spots in Belitung, but results turned null. So I asked my mom to come along with me, and with a lot of her friends and relatives there, I am sure to get the most of my travels.
Saya sudah cukup sering datang ke Belitung selama hidup saya. Sekali saat masih kecil, dua kali saat saya kuliah dan dua kali tahun lalu. Pada kesempatan ke enam tahun ini, saya merasa cukup mendatangkan tempat-tempat wisatawan yang sudah biasa. Belitung memang terkenal dengan hamparan batu-batu granit besar pada setiap ujung pantainya, termasuk Pulau Lengkuas yang bersejarah, letak mercusuar tua zaman Belanda. Saat ini, saya ingin merasakan hal yang baru di Belitung, maka itu sayapun mengajak ibu saya untuk jalan bersama saya, karena dengan relasinya yang masih banyak di sana, pasti saya akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang berbeda!
And so, these are my version of 7 New and Hidden Spots in Belitung that you need to visit! (Don't worry, no more "Lokasi Syuting Laskar Pelangi" on this one):
Inilah 7 tempat baru dan tersembunyi yang bisa kamu datangi saat ke Belitung! (Saya janji, kali ini bukan lagi-lagi lokasi syuting Laskar Pelangi):
1. Ekowisata Mangrove Kuale

Located in Sijuk district, in the northern part of Belitung, there's a new spot best for tourists called Ekowisata Mangrove Kuale. Ekowisata, which means ecotourism is the newest type of tourist attraction here in Belitung. As the mangrove is created to help sustain the environment from many harsh tropical storms and large mining operations that Belitung face everyday. The place was nicely built with boardwalks that will help us tourists enjoy the view. There are some little boats that can be used to travel the water, but it was not operated when we went there. Though it was raining when we went there, it didn't stop us to take beautiful photos along the way!
Belokasi di Kecamatan Sijuk, bagian Utara Belitung, ada tempat terbaru untuk para wisatawan bernama Ekowisata Mangrove Kuale. Ekowisata Mangrove ini menjadi destinasi wisata terbaru di Belitung, yang diciptakan untuk membantu lingkungan dari badai tropis yang dahsyat dan operasi penambangan besar yang dihadapi Belitung setiap harinya. Ada beberapa sampan/sekoci di area ini yang dapat digunakan untuk berwisata air, sayangnya saat saya ke sana sedang tidak beroperasi. Dilengkapi dengan boardwalk yang menarik, akhir saya tetap bisa berfoto-foto seru di sana walaupun sedikit hujan!
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2. Pantai Batu Bedil

Batu Bedil beach is also located in Sijuk regency, just about 30 minutes from the Mangrove Kuale. Bedil means Riffle in Bahasa Indonesia, and the locals found here, a huge rock that resembles the sound of a riffle shot as the wave hits it. One awesome natural wonder, I might say! In the same area, are some interesting natural finds too, such as Batu Love (heart-shaped rock) and Batu Kupong (Kopong- a rock hollowed underneath that makes a weirdly cool noise when hit). Along the way to this place, lies hundreds of acres of land that planted pepper trees! It was probably my first time knowing about how peppers are grown, and it makes a beautiful photo spot! We weren't disappointed.
Pantai Batu Bedil juga terletak di kecamatan Sijuk, hanya 30 menit dari Mangrove Kuale. Bedil yang berarti senjata api/pistol. Di sini, warga menemukan sebuah batu yang apabila terkena ombak, akan mengeluarkan bunyi nyari seperti suara peluru sebuah pistol! Keren bukan? Di area yang sama, ada beberapa penemuan unik juga, seperti Batu Love (batu bebentuk hati) dan Batu Kupong (Kopong - batu yang bawahnya kosong, sehingga apabila diketuk dengan kayu mengeluarkan bunyi yang keren). Sepanjang perjalanan ke sini, saya menemukan ratusan hektar kebun pohon pala (lada)! Kayaknya itu pertama kalinya saya mengenal pohon lada, dan ternyata dapat saya jadikan tempat foto yang keren.
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3. Open-Pit Lead Mining, Kelapa Kampit

Located in Kelapa Kampit, East Belitung, this abandoned mining project left Belitung with the latest tourist spot to experience! Since 1815, Dutch, Chinese and Indonesian government have had the opportunity to benefit from this site to collect Belitung's most famous natural minerals; tin and lead. The mine was scooped open up to 51 meters deep. The operation was stopped in 1985, realizing Belitung's grounds might not be able to handle anymore digging pressure, and it might resulted in earthquakes. Today, you can hike up the hills and walk down towards the cave to experience the most amazing sight!
Berlokasi di Kelapa Kampit, Belitung Timur, proyek penambangan yang ditinggalkan ini menjadikan wisata keren yang bisa Anda alami! Sejak tahun 1815, pemerintah Belanda, Cina dan Indonesia berkesempatan mendapatkan keuntungan dari situs ini untuk mengumpulkan mineral alam Belitung yang paling terkenal; Timah. Tambang itu diraup terbuka hingga kedalaman 51 meter. Operasi dihentikan pada tahun 1985, setelah menyadari bahwa wilayah Belitung mungkin tidak dapat lagi menangani tekanan penggalian, dan ini bisa mengakibatkan gempa bumi. Hari ini, kamu dapat mendaki bukit-bukit dan berjalan ke arah gua untuk mengalami pemandangan yang paling menakjubkan!
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4. Pantai Serdang

Still in East Belitung, Pantai Serdang or Serdang Beach is like any other fishermen's beach in Belitung that has their colorful boats parked all across the coast. What I like about Pantai Serdang is that it is still very peaceful and quiet with not many tourists there. The beach is kept clean with white sands that sparkles as the sun hits. It was a great moment for me to be there and perfect for you that wants a direct hit for those tan lines! Don't forget your sunscreen though!
Masih di Belitung Timur, Pantai Serdang sama seperti pantai-pantai para nelayan lainnya di Belitung. Di sini, kapal-kapal nelayan berwarna-warni diparkirkan sepanjang pesisir pantai. Yang saya suka dari Pantai Serdang adalah ketenangan dan kenyamanannya, tanpa banyak turis yang datang. Pantainya bersih, berpasir putih yang mengkilau jika terkena sinar matahari. Pantai ini cocok untuk kamu yang ingin berjemur langsung terkena matahari. Tapi jangan lupa pakai sunblock ya!
5. Rumah Keong, Dermaga Kirana

Located right across the replica of SD Muhammadiyah, Gantong, East Belitung the shooting location from Laskar Pelangi, lies a beautiful place that looks like a snail house made out of rattans! This place was built especially for tourist destination, where you can take beautiful photos. There is also a small jetty called Dermaga Kirana with a beautiful lake that was produced due to the mining activities that happened there a long time ago. I went here right before sunset and it was amazing!
Terletak di sebrang replika SD Muhammadiyah, lokasi syuting Laskar Pelangi, di daerah Gantong, Belitung Timur, terdapat sebuah bangunan yang berbentuk Rumah Keong yang terbuat dari rotan. Tempat ini sengaja dibuat untuk menjadi atraksi turis untuk berfoto-foto cantik. Di belakangnya terdapat sebuah dermaga mungil yang disebut Dermaga Kirana, yang berada diatas danau bekas tambang timah dulu kala. Saya datang ke sini pada saat matahari terbenam, and it was amazing!
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6. Insum Kepala Kawai Waterfall

It was my first time in Belitung to go to a waterfall, and it was a blast! Though Belitung is famous for its beaches, it's good to know that there are other nature to experience.Insum Kepala Kawai Waterfall located in Dusun Aik Nangka, Membalong, this area is in the Southwestern part of Belitung Island. We were able to get in through a rocky small road with a car and finally trekked a little bit up the jungle to find this fresh beauty! The waterfall is about 15 meters high with uneven rocks that pours fresh spring water. It felt so good to be there. Definitely one of the rarest and hidden spot in Belitung you should go to!
Kali itu adalah pertama kalinya saya ke air terjun di Belitung, and it was a blast! Walaupun Belitung terkenal dengan keindahan alam laut dan pantai, akhirnya saya senang karena ada hal lain yang dapat dinikmati. Air terjun Insum Kepala Kawai berlokasi di Dusun Aik Nangka, kecamatan Membalong, bagian Barat Daya Belitung. Kami berhasil melewati beberapa jalan kecil berkerikil, hingga akhirnya harus trekking sedikit ke atas hingga menemukan air terjun yang tingginya sekitar 15 meter ini. Airnya segar dan sangat menyenangkan! Benar-benar salah satu spot yang tidak boleh dilewati apabila kamu ke Belitung lagi.

7. Tanjung Kelayang Beach

Sunset is one of the main reasons we go to the beach, and Tanjung Kelayang beach offered one of the best from my experiences. Tanjung Kelayang is really big because it is the jetty area to many tourist boats for island hopping. It has become really huge too with a large hall area where the people from many places used to came to experience the total solar eclipse back in 2016. There's even a huge "Welcome to Belitung" sign here. But here's a little trick. If you want to experience the best sunset in Tanjung Kelayang with less or no crowd at all, come to the further left side of the jetty area. Behind a larger rocks and where a few food stands are, lies a quieter, much secluded area to enjoy swimming on the beach and finally stay up to witness the beautiful sunset!
Sunset atau matahari terbenam adalah salah satu alasan kenapa kita ke pantai, dan Tanjung Kelayang menjadi salah satu tempat favorit saya menikmati sunset. Tanjung Kelayang adalah area yang cukup besar, karena ini menjadi dermaga untuk beberapa kapal wisatawan yang ingin island-hopping. Bahkan Tanjung Kelayang menjadi tempat dimana saat gerhana matahari total menjadi sangat ramai, hingga dibuatkan aula besar di sana. Tapi saya punya trik. Apabila kamu ingin menikmati sunset dengan tentram di sana, pergilah terus ke arah sebelah kiri dermaga. Dibalik beberapa batu tinggi, dimana ada warung-warung makan, kamu dapat menikmati sunset yang jelas dan nyaman karena tidak terlalu penuh. Kamu bahkan bisa sambil berenang di pantai itu karena tempatnya yang sepi.
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While this time in Belitung, my mother and I were accompanied by a friend, a tour guide and operator from BelitungIsland.com, who are very knowledgable and we had a really good time!
Selama di Belitung ini, saya berpergian bersama ibu saya dengan bantuan teman yang berupa tour operator BelitungIsland.com, dan kami benar-benar menikmatinya!